Monday 22 October 2012

55 Cupcakes for 55th Birthday Celebration

Assalamualaikum w.b.t..

 55 pieces of rainbow cupcakes with 55 candles for Ibu's 55th birthday celebration.

Pheww! You must have a trained skill to light up these candles in less than a minute before the first one blew up. That, I forgot to consider. Notice the long lighter? I bought that for the purpose of lighting up these candles. Notice the hand with the small lighter? Okay, that was the back up plan because the candles were about to melt. Hahaha.. Thank you Firdouse.

We celebrated my mother's birthday here, Restoran Hj. Sharin Low (if I'm not mistaken, excuse us for the bright light in the picture) in Seksyen 7, Shah Alam. This was my first time here.

Here's the video that was taken by my hubby. Please ignore the voice of the camera man, okay. Hahaha.. Something happened and the video suddenly become dark.. for a while.

Wednesday 3 October 2012

Happy Birthday Aqiel!

Assalamualaikum w.b.t...

Last weekend, my cousin Azuwa held a 2nd birthday party for her son, Aqiel. And this time she ordered me not just one but two cakes with Upin Ipin theme. So I thought, ok, I can do that. I just need a little more time to make two cakes. Then, when she said one of the cakes would be a two tier cake, I gasped. Ok... let's take the challenge.

So, after 12 hours of hardworking on Saturday, these were the results:
The bottom tier was a chocolate cake and the upper tier was a butter cake with blueberry filling.

This one was a chocolate cake.

The next day, we sent these cakes quite early to their house in Nilai, so that we can eat early. Because Umie was lazy (tired) to prepare breakfast, so let's have brunch instead. Hahaha...

The decorations were awesome. Azuwa did it all by herself. I'm quite impressed. Azuwa wanted the smaller cake (on the table) to be a pre-cake cutting birthday cake. So that people who came early and couldn't wait for the cake cutting session can have a taste of the birthday cake. Very thoughtful of her, kan?

And this girl was saying peace holding up one finger. How cute.
Eh, Qina, why are you wearing Umie's shoes?


p/s: Kalau anda bercadang untuk mengadakan birthday party dengan tema upin ipin, anda boleh berhubung dengan Azuwa untuk maklumat lanjut. Email me for her number. TQ.

Monday 10 September 2012

115 Birthday Candles

Assalamualaikum w.b.t..

This cake was made on 8/9/2012.

Simple yet so delicious. Hahaha.. How do I know? Because I have tasted it and it tasted different than usual. Maybe because of the cocoa powder that I bought urgently from the bakery near my house. Quite expensive though. My hubby gave me some credits for the taste and that is RARE...

Ni birthday cake Mak Long dan Pak Long yang diorder oleh Azuwa. Birthday Mak Long memang jatuh pada hari yang disambut iaitu 8/9/2012 tapi birthday Pak Long is a few days after that. I can't recall the exact date that Azuwa told me but I'm sure it is in the same month. The birthday was celebrated at Aishah's house during  kenduri for Rayqal's Aqiqah.

The cake was baked the night before and the next morning it took me like two hours to get done with the icing. Writing on the cake was the fun part. I can't afford to do any mistake especially on the spelling. So, as usual I called the twins to join me and double check my spelling. Hahaha.. As if.

When the writing was done and everything looked okay to me, I asked them "So, what do you think?"

Wana: Happy Birthday. Mak 56, ketupat, Ayah 59.
Umie: Ketupat? And la..
Wana: And? Ooo..Mak and Ayah.
Wani: TUA nya Ayah dia..?!
Umie: ....???? (dalam hati: belum lagi letak lilin 56 + 59, semput nak tiup)

Sekian, terima kasih.

Friday 7 September 2012

2nd Birthday!

Happy Birthday Zafri!

Assalamualaikum w.b.t..


Birthday Zafri sebenarnya pada 31/7/2012. Disambut bersama dengan Hari Pahwalan. (sebelum ni tak pernah pun sambut Hari Pahlawan, tak tahun pun sebenarnya) Tapi sebab tahun 2012 ni jatuh pada bulan puasa, maka mama dan ayah Zafri tak boleh nak buat Birthday Party untuk Zafri. Kita sambut sendiri-sendiri je la kat rumah. Lepas mama dan ayah Zafri belanja kitorang bukak puasa, malam tu bila semua dah selesai, kami pun celebrate birthday Zafri. Keluarlah bermacam-macam hadiah yang meriah, menarik, besar dan gabak di atas meja makan tu. Maka ramai la kanak-kanak di dalam rumah tu yang tak tenteram duduk tengokkan hadiah-hadiah tu. Berdebar-debar agaknya dorang. Hahaha... Alaa.. Gambar hadiah takde pulak. Ishh, ni rase macam nak beli kamera ni.

Anyway.. umie pun ada surprise untuk Zafri dan untuk semua orang sebenarnya. Tadaa..

Ok, kek ni amat selekeh. Sebab tak pernah buat. Ingatkan senang nak buatnya tapi ya ampun lecehnya... Tapi yang paling penting Zafri suka sangat! Hehehe... Mama Zafri pun suka. Berbaloi aunty Ilham buat tau. Thanks to kakak wanawani sebab tolong umie. Without your help, this cake could be better... ooppss! Hahaha..

Yang dua orang lagi aunty tu tau complaint je. Ada ke tak puas hati kenapa umie letak tomato kat atas kek tu? Suka hati la. Zafri kan suka tomato. Lagi pun tu sahaja buah yang ada kat kedai buah tu. Nak pergi Jusco dah tak sempat. Hahaha.... Tak boleh blah alasan.

Lastly, Happy Birthday Zafri. Be a good boy..

Monday 23 July 2012

Happy 22nd Birthday

Hari Jumaat yang lepas bersamaan 20/7/2012 kami sekeluarga menyambut hari lahir Afiza yang ke 22 tahun. Macam biasa, Umie akan buat kek untuk semua orang (ahli keluarga terdekat sahaja tau) yang celebrate birthday. Oleh kerana dah jemu makan kek coklat yang biasa Umie buat, Umie pun buat experiment dengan mencuba kek baru. Kek coklat lapis chees cake. Masa baru lepas masak, sangat tempting untuk dicuba. Umie cuba rasa baki kek pada loyang, memang sedap. Rasa macam nak potong sikit kek ni dan makan. 

Tapi tak boleh la kan. Kena decorate dulu. So ini lah hasil decoration Umie yang tak seberapa. 
Boleh la kan...

Tapi yang sedihnya, bila dah dipotong, kek ni tak jadi... Huhuhu.. Sebabnya tak tau. Mungkin sebab disimpan dalam peti sejuk lama sangat kot. Keras semacam. So, baki kek telah dibuang ke dalam tong sampah. (Not a happy ending story after all..)

Sekian, terima kasih.
~takmo citer banyak2, sangat frust!~

Wednesday 18 July 2012

Oreo Cheese Cupcake Recipe

Oreo Cheese Cupcake Recipe:
(makes 12 cupcakes)

1 packet Oreo of 14 pieces
250g cream cheese
1/4 cup castor sugar
1 tbsp sour cream
1 egg
1 tbsp flour
1/2 tspn essence vanilla

Preheat oven 150 degrees C.
Place the oreos onto the bottom of 12 paper cups.
Crush the balance of 2 oreos.
Cream the cream cheese together with the butter, sour cream and castor sugar.
Add in the flour and essence vanilla.
Add in the egg.
Fold in the crush oreos.
Spoon the batter into the paper cups.
Bake for about 20 min.

Tuesday 17 July 2012

Ilham's Chocolate Cake Recipe

I came up with this recipe after lots of try and error - based on my taste. I don't like it too sweet and too dry. That's why I named it after me. Hehehe...

To those who keep asking me for the recipe, so here goes.

Ilham's Chocolate Cake Recipe:

1/2 cup butter
100ml vegetable oil
1 cup castor sugar
1/4 cup brown sugar
4 eggs
1 cup self raising flour
1/4 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 cup cocoa powder
1/2 cup evaporated milk
1/2 tspn essence vanilla

Preheat oven to 175 degrees C.
Grease 8x8 pan and line the middle bottom pan with a small piece of grease paper.
Sift the self raising flour, all-purpose flour and cocoa powder. Put aside.
Mix together evaporated milk with essence vanilla in a measuring cup.
In a large, beat the butter together with the oil, castor sugar and brown sugar.
Beat in egg one at a time.
Add in the flour mixture alternately with the milk mixture.
Pour in the batter into the pan.
Bake for about 50 to 55 min.

Chocolate Ganache:
500g cooking chocolate bar (chopped)
250ml whipping cream
1/2 cup fresh milk

Put all the ingredients in a glass bowl. Heat the bowl using double boiler technique.
Stir the mixture until all the chocolate melt.
Allow the ganache to cool slightly before pouring over the cake.
Sprinkle with chocolate rice.

Friday 13 July 2012

Senarai Harga di Bake With Yen Puchong

Saya memang selalu pergi Bake With Yen di Puchong walaupun dekat rumah ada bakery. Sebab yang dekat rumah tu, mahal terlajak harganya. Ahaks! Berikut merupakan senarai harga bagi barang-barang yang saya beli. Kalau barang yang saya tak beli, saya tak tau la. Sebab segala macam barang ada kat Bake With Yen Puchong ni.

PVC Square Case (TM600)(10x10) -   RM 1.30
Box 10x10x2.5 Plain                         -   RM 0.60
Box 10x10x4.5 Plain                         -   RM 0.80
10" Square Board                             -   RM 0.55
Greaseproof Paper                            -   RM 0.30
Loaf Pan 20cmx11cm                       -   RM 6.50
Nozzle No. 68                                  -   RM 2.50
Coupler for Plastic (small)                 -   RM 3.50
Tepung Naik Sendiri (1kg)                -   RM 3.20
Tepung Gandum (1kg)                      -   RM 2.50
Tepung Kek (1kg)                            -   RM 2.70
Krim Keju Phil (250gm)                    -  RM 7.50
Krim Keju Phil (500gm)                    -  RM14.50
Anchor UHT Whipping Cream         -   RM 6.20
Chocolate Chip (Imported)(500g)     -  RM 5.80
Chocolate Bar (2kg)                         -   RM17.50
Krimwell (1kg)                                 -   RM 7.00
Local Serbuk Koko (1kg)                -   RM16.80
Icing Sugar (500g)                           -   RM 2.40
Castor Sugar (1kg)                          -   RM 3.60
Castor Sugar (3kg)                          -  RM 10.50
Brown Sugar (1kg)                          -   RM 3.50
Candles 10 pcs (Small)                    -   RM0.40
Baking Muffin Cup (Small) 100pcs   -  RM6.80

Senarai ini juga adalah buat rujukan saya. I will update this list from time to time. Kalau sesape rasa macam ada tempat lain lagi murah dari senarai harga berikut, bolehlah share sama-sama.

Sekian, terima kasih.

Wednesday 11 July 2012

Butter Cupcakes

Butter cupcakes with buttercream icing. Small size. 
Price: RM25

Order last minute dari Baidura. Nak bagi kawan katanya. Tak tau la kawan laki ke perempuan. Belasah je la letak colour pink pun. Hahaha.. Lepas bake cake ni ada extra sikit, bagi Dura rase. Dia kata sedap. Jangan Dura pulak yang perabiskan cupcake ni sudah la. Kata nak bagi as a present, kan...

Tuesday 10 July 2012

Irma Buat Promotion!

Irma buat Offer diskaun RM10 untuk produk jualannya.

Syarat -

1- Anda Follower blog IrmadiLondon.

2- Tawaran sah untuk 2 Jam sahaja.

3- Sila SMS Nama, No Telefon ke talian 013 258 8230. Irma.

4- Sekiranya anda memenuhi syarat di atas, anda layak menerima tawaran ini. 

Tawaran bermula jam 3.00 sehingga 5.00 petang hari Selasa 10 Julai 2012.

SMS.. SMS... SMS sekarang..!!! 

Cepat bertindak. Lambat rugi.

For more details :

Double Celebration!

7/7/2012 hari tu, kami sekeluarga celebrate birthday wanawani yang ke 6 tahun. Tahun ni tak buat birthday party pun. Kalau tiap-tiap tahun buat, boleh kopak duit Ummie. Huhuhu.. Sempat juga Ummie buat dua kek untuk budak berdua tu. Siapnya pukul 2 pagi. Hahaha.. Nasib baik esoknya cuti, boleh ganti tido..

Bila ditanya nak letak gambar apa kat kek masing-masing, macam-macam kartun yang disebut. Little Mermaid la, Princess la, Aurora la, Barbie la, apa la.. Pergi bakery first time, banyak edible image yang dah habis. Yang ada Boboiboy dengan Spongebob je. Beli la jugak Spongebob tu sebab colour dia agak menarik. Tapi dapat satu je. Lagi satu mana nak cari. Balik rumah tunjuk kat wanawani, dorang suka. Tapi kena cari lagi satu gambar.

Pergi bakery second time, stok baru dah ada. Macam-macam gambar ada. Bila nampak ada gambar Princesses dengan Barbie ni, Ummie senyum sorang-sorang kat bakery tu. Hehehe.. Terus beli dan tunjuk pada budak-budak tu bila balik dari pejabat. Tak sempat sampai rumah pun, tunjuk kat rumah Nanny terus. Melompat dorang..! Hahaha..

Termakbul juga hajat nak cuba buat Rainbow Cake ni. 

Bila dah siap kek ni (pukul 2 pagi), terus simpan dalam fridge tanpa masuk dalam kotak kek. Ngantuk punya pasal. Selain tu buat alasan kat diri sendiri, tak payah la kotak-kotak ni, esok bila nak potong keluarkan terus letak atas meja. Sekali, di malam kejadian, bila keluarkan kek, tengok ada gelembung-gelembung atas dua-dua kek. Ini adalah akibat blower fridge kuat sangat. Hahahaha... Tu la, Ummie malas lagi. Nasib bukan kek orang order. 
Happy 6th Birthday Wanawani. Semoga menjadi anak-anak yang solehah, taat dan sayang pada family, cemerlang dalam pelajaran dan ceria bersama selalu. Jangan gaduh-gaduh tau. Amin.

Wednesday 4 July 2012

Chocolate Cake

Chocolate cake with ganache. Cake size: 10" x 7". Price RM27.

Oreo Cheesecake Cupcake

Oreo cheese cupcake with chocolate ganache icing.
Price: RM2.40 per cupcake. 1 box 16 cupcakes: RM37

Oreo cheese cupcake without chocolate icing:
Price: RM2.20 per cupcake. 1 box 16 cupcakes: RM35


Buttercake. Size: 10" x 7". Price: RM18

Skeleton Birthday Cake

Birthday Cake. Chocolate cake with chocolate buttercream.
Picture using frozen buttercream transfer (FBCT) technique.
Price: RM35

Boboiboy Cake

Boboiboy birthday cake.
Chocolate cake with buttercream and edible image.
Cake size: 10" x 14"
Price: RM80