Monday 10 September 2012

115 Birthday Candles

Assalamualaikum w.b.t..

This cake was made on 8/9/2012.

Simple yet so delicious. Hahaha.. How do I know? Because I have tasted it and it tasted different than usual. Maybe because of the cocoa powder that I bought urgently from the bakery near my house. Quite expensive though. My hubby gave me some credits for the taste and that is RARE...

Ni birthday cake Mak Long dan Pak Long yang diorder oleh Azuwa. Birthday Mak Long memang jatuh pada hari yang disambut iaitu 8/9/2012 tapi birthday Pak Long is a few days after that. I can't recall the exact date that Azuwa told me but I'm sure it is in the same month. The birthday was celebrated at Aishah's house during  kenduri for Rayqal's Aqiqah.

The cake was baked the night before and the next morning it took me like two hours to get done with the icing. Writing on the cake was the fun part. I can't afford to do any mistake especially on the spelling. So, as usual I called the twins to join me and double check my spelling. Hahaha.. As if.

When the writing was done and everything looked okay to me, I asked them "So, what do you think?"

Wana: Happy Birthday. Mak 56, ketupat, Ayah 59.
Umie: Ketupat? And la..
Wana: And? Ooo..Mak and Ayah.
Wani: TUA nya Ayah dia..?!
Umie: ....???? (dalam hati: belum lagi letak lilin 56 + 59, semput nak tiup)

Sekian, terima kasih.

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